Thank you for your contacting Turning Point USA.

Below we provide a list of articles and videos so that you can fully understand Charlie’s and Turning Point USA’s unapologetic support of Israel and the Jewish people. Charlie is one of the most vocal supporters of Israel in this country. I hope these videos and links help clear up any questions you may have.

As a reminder, Charlie is not Candace, and Candace is not a TPUSA employee. If you have specific questions about Candace's comments or views, we suggest you contact her directly. However, these videos and links should provide clarity on Charlie positions and views.

Charlie has been to Israel twice, and Israel and the Jewish people hold a special place in his heart. Additionally, it is worth noting that TPUSA as an organization supports Israel in a number of ways including, but not limited to: Hosting an annual Young Jewish Leadership Summit; Sending 100+ students to Israel for educational trips; Sending an Israel-specific “Activism Kit” to hundreds of high school and college campuses each semester; Welcoming Dennis Prager and other Jewish thought-leaders to our national events; and Hosting pro-Israel social media trainings for TPUSA ambassadors and online influencers.